



Training Cycles

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Classroom Projects

These are consistently linked to students' experiences and actions, fostering an active way of learning that encourages the development of ideas and skills in realistic scenarios and the organized resolution of problematic situations.

Active Pedagogy

The environment surrounding La Colina students is a generator of activities that, when guided and stimulated by teachers, become a source of meaningful learning. This approach helps students understand knowledge in a simple and engaging way as a dynamic and productive whole. It involves a set of strategies promoted by teachers to ensure that students are active participants in knowledge-building activities within the classroom.


This consists of a set of activities and tools that reveal each child's progress towards the goals set in terms of behaviors, values, attitudes, competencies, and performances.

Admission Process

Periodo Ordinario
15 – marzo / 31 – mayo

Periodo Extraordinario
1 – junio / 31 – diciembre

Our School

Pedagogical Model

Our pedagogical model is based on active pedagogy, classroom projects, and metacognition.

Comprehensive Educational Model

We have a comprehensive educational model focused on the development of three dimensions: personal, social, and academic.

Extracurricular Program

We offer activities that promote the integral development of children in academic, artistic, and sports areas.

Cultural and Academic Exchanges

We have exchange programs that allow our students to travel and learn about different countries around the world.

Agreements and Scholarships

We offer our best students the opportunity to apply for scholarships at various national universities.

ISO 9001 Certification

We meet the requirements that guarantee the highest quality in our administrative and academic activities.